Sunday, March 8, 2020

buy custom Concerns of Cyberculture Identity essay

buy custom Concerns of Cyberculture Identity essay Having recognized the important role that is played by personal identity in it has become a core area of study in the emerging field of cyberculture theory (Dery, 1996). As Dertouzos (1997) postulates, theoretical studies seek to explain how communities interacting in the networked cyberspaces and sustained by the ever progressive modern technology behave in instances where personal identity is required and when it is not required. The same becomes relevant in determining cybercultures impact on the political, sociological, philosophical and psychological dimensions of human interactions (Dery, 1996). Key theorists in this area have included Donna Haraway, Manuel De Landa, Sadie Plant, Kevin Kelly, Wolfgang Schirmacher, Bruce Sterling, Jean Baudrillard, Hendrik Speck, Pierre Levy, Charles D. Laughlin, Victor J.Vitanza and Gregory Ulmer among others (Dery, 1996). Most of these theorists works concentrate on such themes as Futurism (Techno-utopianism), Feminist cyberculture theory, Postmodernism and the internet, Technological Determinism and Social Constructionism perspectives (Dery, 1996). Theoretically, cyberculture has resulted from information exchange, retrieval and storage enabled by networking computers via the World Wide Web (Jordan 2001). It is thus rightly referred to by many theoretical conceptions as an information culture. The future is seen to be ushering in the new revolution of mankind, the information age ion the continued process of evolution (Jordan 2001) also noted by Aronowitz, Martinsons and Menser (1995). The most important resource is soon going to be information and not industries as it has been, agricultural production as it ones was etc (Jordan 2001). The Wall Street trading concepts have today exemplified when information becomes valuable and resourceful. That is the promise carried by the theory of information age. As Jordan (2001) notes, in cyberculture, the importance of information is not lost, and the question is how the availability and easy transmission of that information is going to affect the society. This is especially important to consider when the people transmitting and receiving that information are unidentifiable or to use Kevin Kellys terms, are obsolete in personal identity statuses as quoted in (Dodge Kitchin, 2000). Buy custom Concerns of Cyberculture Identity essay

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